Saturday, March 3, 2012

St. John Activities -- DIY!

Youth Flag Football Association Opening Night Festivities, Cruz Bay, St. John, U.S.V.I.

One of the best things about St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands is that it is such a small community -- about 4000 living on-island and 2/3 National Park -- which means if there is an activity you are passionate about and it isn't already organized, you can do it yourself!  For instance, did you know there is a Bocce Ball League on Monday and Tuesday nights at 6pm in front of the Beach Bar in Cruz Bay?  Did you know Ultimate Frisbee is played every Tuesday night at 5pm in Coral Bay on the Guy Benjamin School ball field?  And did you know there are very serious adult and youth Flag Football Associations that play every Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30pm on the Winston Wells ball field in Cruz Bay?  All, due to locals living on a small island, who had a passion and made it so!  Guests and locals alike can be seen getting together to enjoy all of these activities on St. John.  So, whether you are on St. John for a week, a month, or three, come by and watch the action!  Who knows -- maybe you will go home with a new passion, thanks to the spirit of St. John!
Ultimate Frisbee in Coral Bay, St. John, U.S.V.I.

Adult Flag Football Association, Cruz Bay, St. John, U.S.V.I.

For more information:
Bocce Ball League Information Kevin 340-227-0520

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this coverage. The Ivanna Eudora Kean Marching Band gave us a wonderful performance for our St. John Men's Flag Football League Season Opener. They brought a ton of spectators out!
